We’ve done it—again! A brand refresh and a new site re-built from the ground up with recent projects.
A Brand New Step
Jul 23, 2019 ⬢ Andrew
An all too common situation we find ourselves in:
The cobbler’s children go without shoes.
We are proud to spend our time primarily working with clients and their businesses. It’s what makes us go. But sometimes, we need new shoes. And in our case, new socks would be nice too.

Starting with a deep dive into our own branding and visual style, we got to work on better understanding who we are and what we do. Our new branding style is built upon the concept of a multidimensional isometric drawing style. Here at Isolary, that’s who we are: multidimensional thinkers. We approach each project with three main objectives in mind: design, development, and people.

In that line of thinking, we are moving on from all monochrome all the time. These three dimensions are represented by 3 distinct colors applied to a isometric cube illustration. Our logo symbol is the “flat” rendering of this cube (a.k.a. the famous voxel) and is a simplified nod to the underlying concepts.

Regarding the new website, we’ve leveraged the extremely powerful and easy to use Kirby CMS. To sum it up as simply as possible: it feels like play. Kirby is so fantastically fun to work with.
FUN! As in, frolicking through a field fun.
Building custom structures was only a few keystrokes away. Especially when taking advantage of their extremely resourceful community and docs.
Our goals:
- we wanted to show off the work we’ve done recently and,
- provide a dead simple blogging experience for ourselves without much hassle.
What’s next?
Showing off the work we’ve done recently and dead simple blogging. ¯\(ツ)/¯
Right now we have a handful of abbreviated case studies on the past few projects we’ve been working on. As for blogging, we’re creating a bank of posts to share with some of our recent discoveries and new learnings.
That’s all for now!