Person Centered Tech exists to help online mental health professionals get the know-how they need to help people to the best of their abilities.

Our teams collaborated to build a custom learning management system that allows staff to focus on providing courses that are designed to leave you feeling peaceful and in control.

Our project began with some maintenance and upkeep on an existing WordPress membership site. From the get go, we were on the same page about the big pieces being optimizing the online learning experience and repositioning the brand from a bootstrapped direction.

From a handful of meetings and workshops with both teams present, we boiled down big picture goals and vision. Starting with a rebrand and a set of brand principles assembled in a guideline afforded us a refreshing new beginning. The core message: Your Center is your Clients. Our Center is You.

Cover photo courtesy Sabine Schulte

Capitalizing on the momentum of our teams working in tandem, we designed a logo and branding system that is centered on the balance between people and technology.

Starting with the custom learning/membership site built on WordPress, we were curious about finding ways to better present course content to Person Centered Tech learners.

In multiple rounds of research and strategy sessions, we recommended that instead of one platform doing it all, we could be much more effective across the board by utilizing technologies for what they’re intended for.

In other words, we decided on managing all learning related content in a proper LMS: Moodle. Moodle is used by many of the world’s finest learning institutions and has a vibrant community of contributors. WordPress on the other hand would be sharpened for richer and more focused content.

The WordPress site now unencumbered with the heft of sophisticated membership and LMS functionality, it is now able to communicate the benefits and many incredible resources Person Centered Tech has to offer.


WordPress, Moodle, React, Laravel


Web Design, Information Architecture, Web Development

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