The new goal was to get the app in the hands of the people. For the first act, our teams collaborated to completely restructure existing content in a way that focused on highlighting new features while additionally supporting many successful collections of great tangible goods.
We designed and developed a completely custom Shopify theme optimized for getting folks acquainted with The Sufferfest app. We made sure that it plugged in nicely with already existing fulfillment channels.
Since the app was cross-platform from the start, we were also contracted to build out a library of React components that would be used to not only keep the experience unified across all platforms, but to save time for The Sufferfest’s developers so they could focus on improving existing features or adding shiny new ones.
This React component library was backed with a comprehensive Digital Brand Guideline that established a system of styles to be iterated upon continuously. A foundational step in creating an efficient, world-class, digital experience.